Friday, September 8, 2017

Deliver a Message


empty water bottles

Check with a grown-up before you get started.

When you're stranded on a deserted island, you can't use a telephone or e-mail to communicate. So how would you get a message to a friend on the other side of your island?

Use your imagination and design a delivery system that gets messages from one place to another. If you want to try this with friends, split into teams and design ways to deliver messages to each other. The catch is, you can't throw your message to the other team, and you can't just get up and walk over with it.

Use materials you find around the house to build your message delivery system. Then, write a message and try it out! If the other team can receive and read your message, the design was successful.Compare designs. What advantages does each design have? Can you improve on your design, or make a new one? Can you find a way to get a note to your friend across the street - or send a message to someone downstairs without having to leave your room? Test out your ideas, and be sure to send your results to Seven Fun Friends

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