Friday, September 15, 2017

Nooz #3

LIt's Friday so we're going to show you 3 Where are they Nows. 2 Yo Gabba Gabbas and a Romper Room
Leonardo DiCarpio

Maddie Fretz 
Dillon Metoyer

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Baking Soda Bubbles

Sent in by:
Dudley and Kitty Katswell

Can ya' keep Bubbles from popping?


  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Bubbles and a Bubble Wand
  • Containers
  • Bowl
  • Spoon

Check with a grown-up before you begin.Put 1/4 cup baking soda in a clear container.Then add 1 cup of vinegar.The mixture of vinegar and baking soda will bubble. It's making carbon dioxide.Blow some bubbles into the container and watch how they float on the carbon dioxide. The bubbles are floating where the carbon dioxide and air meet.The carbon dioxide stays at the bottom of the bowl because it is more dense than the air in the bowl. The bubbles float on top of the carbon dioxide because they are filled with air and the air is less dense than the carbon dioxide.This will help explain what density means. Pretend that you had two balloons and you filled one with air, and the other one with the same amount of carbon dioxide. The balloons would be the same size, because the gas in them takes up the same amount of space.But, if you weighed both balloons, the one with the carbon dioxide would be heavier. This means that it's denser than the balloon with air in it.If you still don't understand density, don't worry. There are lots of people out there who can answer your questions. Talk to your teacher, go to a science museum, visit your local library, or ask your parents.

Purple Cow

Sent in by:
Finn and Jake

What Time is it? Time to make this yummy Ice Cream Soda


  • Grape Juice
  • Ice Cream
  • Large Spoon
  • Glass
  • Straw
Put some Grape Juice in a Glass and add in Ice Cream. Mix with a Spoon and serve with a Straw. Slurp Slowly, and Bon Appitete!

0% of ZOOMers say
this recipe is kinda nice.

Marbleized Paper


  • 9 X 13 disposable baking pans
  • plastic forks
  • white paper
  • pieces of cardboard
  • something to put dirty cardboard on
  • food coloring
  • hand towels
Spray some shaving cream into a disposable baking tray.Smooth out the shaving cream with a piece of cardboard.Now pick the colors that you want your paper to be. The Fun Friends used blue, yellow, and red food coloring.Drip the food coloring onto the shaving cream and then swirl the colors around with a fork.Place a piece of paper on top of the shaving cream and then gently press it into the shaving cream.Then pull the paper off of the shaving cream and place it shaving cream side up on a flat surface.Use the cardboard to scrape the shaving cream off the paper.Let the paper dry. There you have it!

Tasty Bug

Sent in by:
Velma, Shaggy, Fred, Daphene, and Scooby
 A healthy and edible crawly creation!


  • apple
  • piece of lettuce
  • raisins
  • grape
  • peanut butter
  • toothpicks

1. Check with a grown-up before you start this.
2. Make sure you wash the apple and all the other fruits and vegetables you need for your sculpture.
3. Core the apple and cut it in half.
4. Put half of the apple on a piece of lettuce, skin side up -- that's the bug's body.
5. Using half a toothpick, put a grape on one end and stick it in the front of the apple -- that's the bug's head.
6. Using peanut butter as glue, stick on raisins for spots and eyes. You can do this any way you want.
7. Break a toothpick in half for the antennae and stick them on either side of the head!
8. There's your buggy feast!

0% of ZOOMers say
this recipe is kinda nice.

SevenFunFriends Gift Jar

Sent in by:
Snow Princess


  • glass jar with a lid
  • glue and water
  • colored tissue paper
  • paper 
  • cup
  • paint brush
  • ribbon
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened powdered cocoa
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup powdered milk
First, make the decoupage jar.Squirt some glue into a cup. Add a small amount of water and stir with the paintbrush.Rip different colors of tissue paper into small pieces.Brush the glue/water mixture onto the jar.Press your tissue paper pieces onto the jar. You can overlap them to make different colors. Do this all around the jar.Brush another coat of the glue/water mixture on top of the tissue paper.Let jar dry for at least an hour.Now that you've made the Decoupage jar, it's time to make the homemade cocoa mix that goes inside.To make it, just mix the cocoa, sugar and powdered milk together and you've got cocoa mix!Now put your cocoa mix in the jar.Make a tag that says, "To make a cup of cocoa, place 3 tablespoons of cocoa mix in a mug and add 8 ounces of hot water. You can add marshmallows if you want!"Use some ribbon to tie the tag to the jar. Now, your gift is ready to give away.There are lots of other things besides cocoa that you can put in this jar, like lots of different colored string for a friendship bracelet kit, or anything else you'd like.

SevenFunFriends Fridge Magnets


  • cardboard, the thin kind, like from the back of a notebook or a cereal boxphotos of family, friends or pets. Make sure you have permission to cut these up!
  • old magazines
  • glue
  • thin magnets that you can find at arts and crafts or office supply stores
  • scissors
To start, cut out heads from the photos. If there is part of the neck showing, cut that out too.Then go through the magazines and find some bodies for your heads. Cut out the body leaving some room on the sides.Glue the head and body to the cardboard. Let them dry.When your head and body are dry, cut them out of the cardboard, trimming off any excess.Glue a magnet to the back of the cardboard.When it's dry, there's your magnet! You can put it on the fridge or give it as a zany gift.